Massive Cyber Microsoft outage here in Australia and around the world. So many major organisations down including airports, banks, retail outlets, supermarkets. Airports at a standstill. Due to a Crowdstrike failure during a TEST.
Crowdstrike mentioned in multiple Q drops, linked to hacking, payments to Clinton Foundation, Russia Collusion Hoax etc.
[Crowdstrike] in the kill box 😮🔥

TERM LIMITS NOW!!!! They thought they buried us, but they didn’t realize that we were seeds!!

Aussie Mum fighting for Freedom & Truth....Trusting in God's plan.
Things are ramping up!!

Saw some patriots on face crook said they are off work today. Etc. Because of this.....

Aussie Mum fighting for Freedom & Truth....Trusting in God's plan.
Its massive

So the bad guys are doing it? Called the DMV said info temp unavailable.

Aussie Mum fighting for Freedom & Truth....Trusting in God's plan.
As Crowdstrike were linked to DNC, Clinton Foundation, FVEYES intelligence network and spying on Trumps campaign I would say its the white hat military, Spaceforce, (which is military monitoring of cyberspace) who has hacked Crowdstrike. Knowing they were involved with the DNC servers and the fact DNC intern Seth Rich found corruption on it which he downloaded and gave to Wikileaks, I find the timing interesting. Seth Rich was murdered soon afterwards by MS-13 gang members.
Next minute Julian Assange went to prison meant to rot in jail for years. Now he's free and things seem to be ramping up. The Microsoft/crowdstrike outage happened right when Trump finished his RNC speech and had an opera singer sing "Nessun Dorma" which means "no one sleeps". Crowdstrike shares have plunged. It feels like payback time.

Strat Guy Vic on #SoundCloud Victor 🤍 Teah 9•26•23
Good guys deserve "some" credit! 😏