Why is MSDNC saying that Fake Biden getting Covid is the “same” as Trump surviving an assassination attempt?
Because the White Hats are forcing them to.
Despite everything we have been (incorrectly) led to believe over the years, MOST of our friends, family and neighbors with TDS are not completely insane. They are not completely devoid of common sense and basic human empathy.
The more insane behavior the White Hats extract from the controlled media, the more they interrupt the Mass Formation thinking patterns of those with TDS.
Just like the headlines of “Trump falls on stage at PA rally” made MANY question WTF the media was doing, clips like this are what chips away at the Mass Formation Psychosis thought patterns of those still watching channels like CNN and MSNBC.
Think back - you’ve seen this before: Ali Velshi and the “mostly peaceful protests” in 2020. NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio scarfing French Fries during the vaccine push in 2021, to name a few
It will happe

Great post!

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.
It will happen more often.