All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
Vincent Fusca was at Saturday's rally.
He's shorter than JFK Jr.
But he's a curious character, especially after he showed up in the early rally days with someone who looked similar to an older version of Carolyn, plus three kids with familiar features. Were they them or actors to make us think of them? And if so, why? Or maybe it's not about us. ;) "Vincent" means "conquering" and "Fusca" means "dark." So, "conquering darkness." He's a huge Trump supporter who always wears a fedora, a hat JFK was fond of too. Whenever some people see Vincent, they think of John Jr. On a side note, if John is still with us, it doesn't seem like a safe time for his return, does it? Thank God President Trump's life was spared. Pray for the family of the one who was taken and any injured too.