😦 Although Pope Francis assured
being willing to baptize aliens, on the other hand EXOPOLITICS has always existed (managed as a conspiracy theory)
🛸The science of Exopolitics is basically about deals between extraterrestrial races and humans with high political, religious and governmental entities, agreeing on agreements that include universal laws between planets.
The great dogma that the vast majority of people have where they think that only the earth harbors life, this science breaks with these paradigms indicating that we are also members of a collective universe that operate under a common law.
And you’ll wonder why we don’t know anything about this?
To which I answer: it is not convenient! Those who lead this small world have preferred to keep us oblivious to all these issues.
Have you heard that we live on a human farm?🤯
Do you know why and what the Matrix was created for? 😧
https://bit.ly/3L4rAcj 👈🏽
And 'they' taught us to close our eyes & look down when we pray (to satan) .....open your eyes & look up when praying to GOD