Prayers for our oldest. We just found out she's in the hospital in ICU. An ulcer on top of her foot went super infected and went up into her leg which has edema issues as well. She's being pumped full of antibiotics and now her fever is under control...and bp is back to normal. She'll be in the hospital a few days for more tests and monitoring. MRI to make sure the infection hasn't penetrated the bones or muscle. As much as I hate the hospital...something this serious we are just praying protection and GOOD doctors/nurses to help her. Very scary stuff. Thank you for your prayers!

About 3 -1/2 years ago...while cleaning out her garage....she was bit by a spider...we believe it was a brown recluse. She's had all kinds of health issues ever since. The first few months she had what we believe were hallucinations...those did eventually go away...but she's not been the same since. This issue with edema in her legs...and open wounds on her feet that have been an ongoing problem for a couple of years now! It's crazy. It's like nobody will take the spider bite theory seriously though. Course it was during covid...and "they" had their agenda that took priority. :/
Please God, be the guide for all the medical personnel so that Kimmy's daughter gets perfect care.
My note to you, Kimmy is that spiders may carry several diseases. That your daughter hasn't been well since the bite may indicate the spider may have transmitted one or several different microbes, or parasites.
Actually, Ivermectin can get rid of lots of parasites, but it's not a good idea to just take it without knowing what is causing the symptoms.
When someone gets a tick bite, doctors will do a tick panel, testing which covers a number of diseases.
Spiders are vectors that can actually carry some of the same diseases as ticks do.

That's good to know. Thank you! I'll pass that info on to her as soon as I'm able to speak with her. 💗

It could be way off base, however, it's good to -
Leave no stone unturned.