Getting out of Phoenix today and headed to the mountains where it's cooler. Gonna miss the debate live too, my nephew is graduating from the Fire Academy tonight, will be celebrating with family.
Congrats to him! 🚒👍🏻😊

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Congratulations to your nephew! 🙏 May God Almighty bless and protect him throughout his career and life. Enjoy your getaway!

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
In response Royal Raven to her Publication
Thank you RR! 🙏🏼😊