🔥 Fasting and Fulvic 🔥
🤓Vaccine Injury Treatment -
Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy - body's detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells & reboots immune system
mRNA vaccine injured people have damaged immune systems. Fasting creates new immune cells.
Autophagy removes cells damaged by spike protein, pre-cancerous cells, senescent cells, damaged mitochondria, protein aggregates, amyloid, prions, misfolded or abnormal proteins.
Try a 72 hour water fast to get autophagy detox, immune system reset and stimulation of stem cell production to repair your body.
-WIlliam Makis MD
sooo. i have a question regarding the correlation of healing with this approach to the 5D event in the future.. would that cure anyone and being back their immunity? sounds about right. i hope. hmmm