I think that the "Prisoners of Jan 6th" is just another storyline or distraction to stir up more negative energy from the people. We all know that there were bad people that infiltrated the real patriots that day, & I honestly think that those are the people who have been locked up (& rightfully so). I'm sure if any real patriots were locked up, I'd have seen at least someone on here post about knowing one of them personally - which I haven't. The only time I hear about the people who were supposedly arrested is when they make an appearance on a MSM show.
I could be totally wrong, but that has been my gut feeling about the so-called "prisoners" all along, & I refuse to contribute any negative energy to add to their evil's strength.
Always looking to be a blessing ;)
I'm seeking the truth of all issues......sometimes that may be misinterpreted as negative energy.......Thank you for the input 😉