Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.
Nuke scare in the cards. It'll come to sirens blaring, EBS, maybe holographic mushroom cloud. SFX to scare the s__t out of people, much like 9/11 was used by bad guys to manipulate the masses into giving up sovereignty. Now, good guys will use scare tactics to WAKE PEOPLE UP since nothing else has worked. Film "WAR GAMES" is perfect model for what's about to happen. We're ESCALATING. Remember, what we achieved in WWII via our GHOST ARMY was UNPRECEDENTED & UNPARALLELED. If that's what we could do w/ loud speakers & inflatable rubber tanks THEN, WHAT ARE WE CAPABLE OF NOW? 9/11 was psyop utilizing sound effects & holograms to mimic 2 planes. Twin Towers & WTC Bldg 7 taken out by controlled demo using nano-thermite. When people are scared, they're easily manipulated, & will believe anything. The bigger the lie, the easier to swallow.
Maybe Taiwan invasion also just like they have been saying the past 3-5 years 👀🤔😎
Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.
I don't doubt it could be a multi-faceted attack including terrorists from within, cyber, etc. A LOUD alarm is needed to wake up the sleepy heads who remain in a brainwashed COMA.