*Woke up during the SCAMdemic *Patriot Streetfighter *Ephesians 6:10 - 18
Hey everyone. Quick question:
Out of curiousity, who do you listen to that is not MSM?
Here is mine:
Scott Mckay (Patriot Streetfighter)
LT (And We Know)
Lin Wood
Gen. Flynn
We the Media
Matrixxx & Shady
and a few others....
If you listen to someone I haven't listed throw them my way.
As#DigitalSoldiers we have to discern misinformation and must keep our eyes on the truth.
Truth & Art TV
SGT Report
Melissa Redpill-Freedom Force Batallion
off the top of my head...
*Woke up during the SCAMdemic *Patriot Streetfighter *Ephesians 6:10 - 18
Nice! Loving this list that's being compiled