People often times are offended by the very things they themselves are projecting outwardly because they have not made the conscious effort to be accountable for their own darkness. You can always spot something you don’t prefer in another person until what you don’t prefer has been integrated from within you. The ego mind loves to distract one from seeing in their-self what they see in others because it’s easier to be better than or above someone else who has all these perceived issues. Only the better than or above someone else is really a mask of insecurity and low self worth.
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A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Until you can openly admit, be completely transparent with yourself for yourself the ego will keep eluding your focus by fixating/focusing on other people. Make no mistake about it, the work is in your ability to be truthful enough with yourself to call yourself out on what you know deep down you must be accountable/responsible for from within yourself. Until you start seeing yourself in the mirror the reflection you see will never be yours✨
Jessica Woods