🇺🇸 Ariel is one of many Patriots, including SGAnon & mars 1776,
who posted about President/CiC Trump’s 📕 Red Folder.
Ariel outlines PEADS: Presidential Emergency Action Docs
He also verifies@mars_1776 point
“Those that know →→→[POTUS] wanted us to see.”
Ariel @ Prolotario1
🪽🪽Angel Feathers pointed out that in the photograph DJT posted
POTUS was standing in front of an NRS logo on the wall behind him.
Where the Atlantic Fleet and the Navy’s Air Training Command
Come To Train.
As the Naval shore installation management headquarters
for the Southwest region
(California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico...)”
angel feathers ⭐️⭐️⭐️@movementiscomin confirmed that
POTUS was NOT in WA DC with the members of Congress
but they were all somewhere ELSE 🎥🍿
Yesterday Q The Storm Rider posted
We are at the start of the →OVERT← Military war 🇺🇸🪖

😹 I'll say this for QTeam
they are BRILLIANT movie directors 🤣🍿
I have NO IDEA where they ACTUALLY are.
Much of the original evil U.S. Gov is probably
executed for Treason?
As to where clone-POTUS was
with body-double rubber masked U.S. Gov peeps
no idea! 😎
There are still ACTUAL U.S. gov peeps
like MTGreene?
I THINK but I don't know⁉️🙃🎥

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
very interesting place to keep an important folder, you think he would want to keep his eyes on something that is important enough to carry to many gatherings - for how long now?