I`m currently working on CIA and MK Ultra and discovered that it was used primarily on members of the US Navy.
They were even known to abduct lowly members like groundsmen whom they would use as guinea pigs for drug experimentation.
It would seem that their is also a MASSIVE correlation between elite (top brass) members of the Navy and the Bohemian Grove fraternity.
Here is Wiki`s list:
My last MKUltra dive solved a 45 year old murder mystery for my family! My uncle killed my grandmother, testified in court he would have beautiful women & sex for eternity. When I found “midnight climax” in San Francisco, which created Manson & Unabomber… lsd, electroshock, methadone and sex. MKUltra guilt free assasination program. The sister site was in Lexington KY, taking innocent humans for experiments. They fed him acid he looked like Manson, ten hits LSD a time, he walked up, shot his mom guilt free.
Gol ly Gosh.
Thanks for these links, I`ve book marked your post so that I can look into all in detail later.
I have long thought, even way back in the 60`s if there was something that compelled people to kill.
Too many people were "hearing voices" or the voice of "God" telling them to kill and murder.
It would seem that this way of testing drugs and using mind control has been prolific and used illegally for way too long.
It wouldn`t surprise me if you uncle was one of their subjects for "testing " on.
It beggars belief.
He was. That’s my post!! Verified, my uncle was at fed NARCO farm in Lexington ky. LSD methadone and electric shock treatments. He WAS an illegal human experiment. We have his med records, they did all that to him. Straight A Beta Club student to zombie in less than 12 months. Yes, the CIA “acid for assassination” WAS the project used to kill my grandmother. Horrible. Sick. We never could figure out why!?! Now we know why he testified to voices for sex and women in eternity. Dr, Gottlieb was in charge.
How horrific for your family.
I truly believe there is no rhyme or reason when they just picked random people off the streets to experiment on, the powers that be had no compunction of anything or anyone being a sacred being with a God given right to lead a quiet and peace full life.
Unfortunately as we now know, these people have little or no conscience and are no better than animals.
I know it doesn`t or cannot ease the pain for what they did, but God gave us understanding and that goes a long way in easing any ugley burdens that we may carry because of their evil deeds.
I don`t expect any of you will ever see any justice because of this, but know that God sees and hears, and they WILL be made to pay.