there's no such thing as "World Domination". A "World" is an Age.
An Age, is a section of "Time" via where the Sun is traveling through the Zodiac Belt. They lied about the timing of the Age of Aquarius. We're in the CUSP, but we're still exiting the last stages of Pisces.
They've been ruling the World.... I mean, Age, and the ones prior. This Universe was fallen and taken over long age. You're "god" is not the real ONE. It's a fraud. An Imposter. The devil. Yep.
EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD/AGE, yet it's always Temporary. Kingdom/Queendoms rise and fall. Vatican will fall completely...
Vatican teaches it's followers of all denominations, to include all the "gods"... sure they do. This Jupiterian Piscean Age where they praise Peter. Jew-Peter. Kiss his toe at the Basilica. St. Peter's Basilica. Simon/Peter. Denying Christ thrice. A False New Age/World has been attempted, to be exposed, along with their Galactic Federation of False Fallen Light Entities, attempting to usurp the Throne. Times Up. The Gag is Up. No More Deceptions. No more Beliefs.