My grandson joined the military...he'll go in shortly after he graduates high school. If he doesn't qualify for the position he really wants...he'll be going for combat medic. So that would mean front lines should he be called to it. Our daughter is freaking out. I'm proud of him...but at the same time...terrified for him. I know that God has him...and I know he has to live his own journey. I don't want him to go in with his mom freaking out on him for that choice. This IS so him though. He is a tough young dude...but has a heart to help people. As hard as it is to think about...I can totally see him choosing this. He wants to be a fireman/EMT when he gets out. So it totally fits him. Prayers appreciated to help his mom deal with his choice and support him and just love on him the rest of his time before he goes in. Blessings to all!
He could start out at a tech school to learn.
He could...but I think that honestly he's just anxious to start his own life, make his own choices, and get out of his mom's house. He comes from lots of military family...his dad...and also my hubby (his grandpa) included. So he's just ready to GO.
I understand that. I hope they aren't still giving any "vaxes" to our mil. Yep mil heritage here also. Maybe if Trump is Prez, def. not plastic face.
That's our prayer too. He's avoided the vaxx all this time...and does have strong feelings about it...but if they make him? All we can do is pray. :(
He could maybe find out first? That would not be worth it. I will be praying for your boy. And your daughter.