A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
As above,so below…
As within,so without…
Our Carbon based Cellular Molecular structure which is made of Atoms, is the reflection of the Solar System..
The electrons move elliptically around
the nucleus, as the planets of the solar system move around the Sun…🌞
“The Kingdom of Heaven is Within”…
Also the Carbon based Cellular Molecular structure we are made of is composed by:
6 Protons
6 Neutrons
6 Electrons
For those that are still not aware, the 666 is NOT the mark of the beast, but it is what
we are made of…
Which in this state, it’s easy to be controlled and manipulated…
Also an Atom is made of 99% of Empty SPACE…
Which is exactly what out there in the Universe…
BUT… Because of the Increased amount of Light incoming, our cellular system is converting now days, into a Crystalline based Cellular Molecular structure, made of:
7 Protons
7 Neutrons
7 Electrons
continued in comments.....
A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
777 is the Crystalline structure for the Christ Consciousness where Humanity will transform into Unity, Oneness, instead of division…
NOTHING can deny the Laws of Nature, which are the Laws of God/Source! ✨
Those that fell for the psyop are disconnected from the Source, because of not following the way of the Heart…
Listen to your Heart, the Answers are All right there! 💚
This will make some Agents Smith to attack… We are prepared and well shielded! 🛡️
🙏💗🔥😄This is AWESOME!