With you crazy anons since the movement began. The original Hippy Chic has returned. Love you all~

RBKJR thinks full term abortions are okay.


Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

RFK Jr. is advocating the murder of unborn children up to full term.

Pro Choice Women protest "My body, my choice!"
It isn't their body, it's the baby's body.
Where is the baby's choice?

A baby inside it's mother's womb should be protected.
God Almighty, help us open people's eyes to the reality of abortion. It is not healthcare. It is not a right. It is murder of the most innocent.

I believe Patriots are being baited into becoming LOUD & VOCAL on this topic. Remember EVERYONE has been receiving the same energy upgrades & people who were close minded on this are now like a recently plowed field…ready for seeds to be planted.

Bear in mind, if one doesn’t proceed in love & good faith to truly educate the abortion diehards as to what the true purposes of abortion have been all along, you are not only pissing in the wind, as southerners say, but you are undermining the team of Pro Life.

Is it 4-6% that Q says is lost forever?…
In which case, that leaves a lot of minds for us to show that they have been deceived by abortion agenda as much as every other agenda humanity has been deceived by. We all had individual perspectives & favorite deceptions, but hardcore abortionists have indeed one of the most harmful & evil. Especially since there are so many women survivors of this nightmare suffering with only few speaking out about the whole ordeal.

In response Royal Raven to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Sparrows in this post can reply

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

Well said...

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

I tried editing one of my grammar bloopers and lost the last sentence. 😑

‘Why only a few?’

I believe the fear of ‘judgment’ is why many women hold that trauma buried deep in their soul. The very people who are Pro Life and so focused on the baby are missing the other victim in this whole nightmare, who is also the only LIVING WITNESS who could speak of the horrors involved in this agenda from Hell.

Guaranteed, if these women were engaged and utilized the abortion INDUSTRY would cease to exist on the whole.

I also believe healthcare is going to improve to the point that there will be no medical reason why a woman should ever be given the option of the baby’s life or her own life.

Gotta have FAITH…

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.

In response Age of Enlightenment to her Publication

I understand. I was deceived too. I used to think it was a woman's choice and didn't think beyond that.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

In response Royal Raven to her Publication

The devil is a smooth talker for sure. But humanity as a collective bears responsibility as well. The majority of these abortions would never take place if real LOVE was the paramount condition humanity operated in. There would be no such thing as a broken people, broken relationships or unwanted pregnancies…

Humanity has yet a steep incline, in my opinion, to reach the pinnacle of elevation of spirit or what some are calling consciousness, to arrive at the quality of human being that the Creator intended for us to be.

But that climb will be a joyous one, as it will be one done on a ladder built of blessings on top of blessings.

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