Eva Vlaardingerbroek about the Agenda 2030: "So the 2030 agenda is a United Nations agenda...And this agenda consists of 17 what they call sustainable development goals...No poverty, no hunger. Who can be against that? However if we take a closer at how hey actually want to accomplish all that. Anybody with two functioning brain cells realizes that this cannot happen unless there is an active and maybe even forceful redistribution of goods, foods, property and our rights, which basically comes down to the obliteration of all of our basic liberties and our rights. And these goals, as I said, are not restricted solely to the Netherlands. They are global. And that's where we see their true motive.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Here is the key words
No poverty, no hunger
"THEY" are going to remove/ kill these hungry and impoverished beings