Unvaxxed. Unmasked. Untested. Unafraid. God wins! I have been singing about corruption for 40 years. I will never give up!
I consider myself blessed to be able to be barefoot so much. I go months at a time never wearing shoes.
"Going barefoot is so rare these days that it’s been stigmatized. People often think of it as weird, gross, or even dangerous. It’s certainly not considered normal, healthy, or natural by society today – when that’s exactly what it should be for a human being. You don’t see tigers wearing shoes. Or, any other animals. Why should it be any different for us?
People are usually fearful of going barefoot, and it’s because most people have spent the vast majority of their waking hours in footwear their whole lives. In this day and age, we literally have footwear designed for every possible activity you can imagine – walking, running, cross-trainers, hiking, the list goes on.
While there is absolutely a time and place for footwear, going barefoot should be our default behavior when it is safe and acceptable to do so. Our body’s need and crave the stimulation this activity provides, wh
I remember when I got my awakening, I was barefoot & bare ashe running thru the woods😀😂🤣
Yep, I was consumed with the Holy Spirit & as I look back on that time, and I have often, I thought why didn’t the many brambles & thorn bushes pierce my feet!
Well, I don’t know, I do know I was being guided to do many things in that moment of time that if someone had viewed it, …. Well let’s say would have in today’s world be construed as basis for the loony bin, lol!
It did start my journey into bare footing tho, but dropped the bare ashe, lol totally not acceptable, but hey I was on my acreage & the only thing I saw were a few squirrels!
While in my youth that was my norm, most of the time barefoot, but as an adult obsessed with shoes so the bareness encased & always sore!
I do know for sure tho, when the Holy Spirit is running thru your veins, you better ground yourself cause that’s some powerful ju ju!😀😃. Oh & the trees, let’s just say…magical grounding✨You will thank me later😉