Good Morning AU!

Beautiful sunshine , the smell of fresh flowers 😍. God be with us all .. Proud American , Trump is our man 😉

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Good morning Kim, hey do you think VK might give us a visit before he leaves again ? 🥰

GM Georgeann.
Not sure but he did change the APL here last night so he's around.
only posting on X as im sure you prob already know.

In response Georgeann Adriano to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @kimrunner in this post can reply

Beautiful sunshine , the smell of fresh flowers 😍. God be with us all .. Proud American , Trump is our man 😉

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I can only go on X to read for a short time , cannot post or read comments 🤨. Still trying to get back there but to no avail . Thank you Kim for answering me back 🤗