PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Quite Repulsive
People see it now, but, showing them won’t b enough, now they gunna have to feel it
All Democrats waiving Ukrainian flags on your House floor when the bill passed sending another 60B of your treasure to fund the war machine.
Yes VK, raise the fucking APL!!✊️😎

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
First it was the FISA, now this right on top of that. We know what’s goin on here, sometimes ya gotta show the people, but some of them need to really feel it unfortunately. In the Rev. war, many were complacent with the Brits & loyal to the crown/king, it wasn’t until the Brit’s started to take the colonists belongings from them that they saw the light, their true intent. I don’t like this anymore than anyone else here but exposure is disclosure

https://on.soundcloud.com/QmEdc https://on.soundcloud.com/d1zYG https://on.soundcloud.com/LPZqJ
Hi Mare! Good to see u, I'm still all in! This can't end soon enuff for me, but i realize how bad it has to get. Humanity must never forget just how bad it was in these days. And we're not even close to how bad it's gonna get. The thing is alot has to happen before elections in Nov. We can't vote again till something big comes out and is indisputable evidence. After that it will get even worse, before the military can or will act. People must feel the pain and lose it all before it will be forever ingrained in our Hearts and Minds. Savings, retirement funds, Hope, and everything related to the future. Future generations will look back and shudder. Imagine that. As of now it's like: No big whoop! If things were to happen now and justice was attempted to be served, it would fail. And people would remain divided. And the same things would happen again and evil ones would still rule the earth. Hang on sister patriot! 👁🤍🫵...🎵🌴🏁🤍🎯✊️😎