My heart is hurting today...

My younger dog is very goofie...since a pup.
Well a couple days ago he started staggering.

I always pray over them but prayer is now more furverent...and I am staying more closely in the moment relishing each day...praying for discernment healing...and God's will be done.

I have repeatedly found life's HARD lessons teach MOST! This pup has hit every button and I am better for it!
I am seeing some success...he was his silly self this AM....he again is teaching me life holds no treasure every moment. I am getting him eating again...I had a pup years ago who was over JABBED! Vet said Ah NO, that is not true, TRUE.

With what I learned from Tig's liver issues and eating I am seeing this present pup make some progress. I THANK GOD the liver can be healed.
One moment at a time...our days are numbered by God.

If you see this please pray for my sweet boy, PLEASE. God's will be done..I will do my darndest!

Sorry your pup is having such a hard time. I have a Jack Russel that is now 16 yrs old. 5 years ago, I almost lost her. Her liver levels were way off and the vet didn't think she would pull through. I found a supplement at Silver Lining Herbs called Liver Support and it helped the liver recover. She hasn't needed it for a year now and is still doing great. Especially for an old dog.
Prayers, blessings and best wishes.

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Thank you Cowboy!

The Milk Thistle & Probiotic has done a turn around on him...I thought he was gone! Check your ithas Milk Weed Thistle and Dandilion. I have been studing Natural Alternatives for over 20 years... needed help with a brain injury and Drs seemed uninformed...same with hormonal imbalance also caused by brain injury. One think that was helpful was seeing area where damage answered some questions and started me researching.

Hardest issue as Milk Weed kicks in is allowing time and not over feeding so body can heal. So good to see his appetite back.

Cowboy they are SOOO precious!
Milk Thistle settles the liver that settles the upset tummie. Probiotic I suspect helps harden stool..that part am not sure..seem so.
I lost my first dog to liver damage...I didn't know back then what I know now. With Tig I lowered protein but didn't understand the tummie upset in liver failure.