"Wow.... I'm in tears.... No wonder why Laura Logan fights as hard as she does......

CBS: Lara Logan breaks her silence - 2013 (@disclosurehub)

SHE KNOWS THE EVIL OF HUMANITY... Wow.... just wow..."


From Disclose HUB


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I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

Yes, she's a victim of a violent crime and her strength amazes me.

In the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.

Harrowing. Remember when this happened and now in such awe of this Tigress who survived for her children, and out there still doing amazing work.

A friend recently told me she'd been invited to Dubai and what a great trip that could be. I told her to look up how to dress as a woman there to avoid trouble. Then looked it up.

Yes, there are rules to follow in order to protect oneself as a woman.

So many men here, illegal or no, from those countries, are raised with the doctrine of women as chattel.

There is so much fear from women for their safety. The Bible says the woman shall encompass the man, meaning, the spiritual matter of the woman is an extra dimension for men, and mens' protection of women is necessary for viability of both sexes.

Thankful not have been born and raised over there as a female. Boy and Girl children are violated, ensuring a certain nonchalant and predominating violence vis-a-vis sex with anything. Women get the worst of it.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

Grooming and rape gangs are not unusual, when targeting non muslims.

They think we are livestock.

She should have researched islam and its society before going to an islamic country, then had a bigger non islamic security guard around herself.