Twitter/X has just gotten way smarter with their censorship. I can delete the tweet now and regain access, but if I believe I posted free speech and nothing illegal (elon's litmus test) I am suspended pending that appeal.
What is destroying the fabric of our country? Every SO CALLED "patriot" who clicks "delete" - please weigh in if you agree or disagree and respost.
If we don't stand for something NOW, we're just plain screwed. It can't just be about your instant gratification anymore.
Let THIS sink in: If I was the NWO, I wouldn't want all the people going to all these alternative media networks like we were doing before Musk took over X. Musk then hires the WEFer - some big influencers are seeing a boost (the ones who will advertise for Musk saying he's great) the rest of us have NO "reach" but "free speech?"
X is now the PERFECT monitoring platform for the Deep State: Once again. THEY have come FULL CIRCLE and restored twitter's image right at the moment twitter was abo
"Big Tech" at LDN. NEXT LEVEL patriot. Learned to Code. Knows the law. Producing food. Getting people off-grid (aka out of THE MATRIX).
at the moment twitter was about to be CRUSHED and all the "sands" would be able to RUN THRU NWO FINGERS as they clamped down hard...
Is this making sense? (Repost)
P.S. It really SUCKS being one of the "one in a million who figure it out" but I'm so squelched by all these different forms of censorship I can't warn anybody. I'm terrified to go out on the street with a political sign for fear of losing everything I own by having it stolen because I spend a few nights in jail.... I could go on... Nobody who MATTERS. Who ACTUALLY HAS ANSWERS - can build a PLATFORM.
We are right back to 40-50 years ago you only had 3-4 channels to watch on TV!!!