🇺🇸🪖 Q History & The Best Is Truly To Come 🙏🏻😻🇺🇸
@ JackStr42679640
@ rattletrap1776
@ qthestormrider777

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Wonderful post! So important.
🙏🏻❤️ Ty cowboy. That means a lot to me.
I love History — well ACTUAL History.
Can't wait until we all learn the TRUTH
I believe a great deal of this Q-history IS true.
I have long felt that the two 5-Star Generals,
🎖🪖 MacArthur & Eisenhower,
were part of those original Q-Generals
who met to form The Plan To Save The World,
Christmas Eve, 1963.
President Kennedy consulted both Generals
during the Cuban Missile Crisis
& Gen MacArthur in particular, cared for JFK.
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
President Trump said numerous times
that he was invited to run for the Presidency.
Well, who invited him?
Who’s he talking about?
This Military group that has roots
all the way back to MacArthur
& before, allegedly, by some people,
but in its current operation
🎖 it’s a MacArthurian group.
All of the things that they’re doing
from the 54 code forward,
in the Military Code of Justice in America.
[Protect the Continuity of Government] 🇺🇸🪖

☀️☀️☀️ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom THOMAS JEFFERSON 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🌍 .......Back on TWITTER as @AgnesdeBerlimon 🧚
A short note about General Mac Arthur. Most Anons demonize Freemasons as evil people, because the fraternities were infiltrated by such types. General Douglas MacArthur was a Freemason who was admitted to Lodge No.1 of Manila in the Philippines in 1936. And he, like many other well-known personalities of these brotherhoods , fought for a better world.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Behold, I Show You a Mystery....
General McArthur and General Eisenhower
Two Five-Star Generals
5:5 (5+5+10/1-Quantum Singularity
Two Presidents
John F Kennedy#35/8
Donald J. Trump#45/9
Eight + Nine (E-5 + N-5=10/1 Quantum Singularity
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (26/8)
GOD (17/8) WINS(20/2)
Quantum Singularity (8+2=10/1)
BIGLY (28/10/1)
Where We Go One We Go All

MacArthur was definitely a good one. I wish I could find it, but he made a speech (could have been at the MacArthur Park dedication but I'm just not sure). If you listen to part of the speech you can tell he "knew". He also knew we were a ways away from victory if it was ever to come. So many have contributed to the victory that I believe is so close. So many sacrifices.

😻 Of all the condolences Mrs. Kennedy received,
the one I love most was from Gen MacArthur.
🎖 “The world of civilization shares the poignancy
of this monumental tragedy.
As a former comrade in arms, his death kills something in me.”
President Kennedy was assassinated on 11-22-63
& I feel certain, even though he passed in April 1964,
that Gen MacArthur was THERE Christmas Eve 1963
with the 77 Generals who launched The Plan To Save The World.
When Juan O Savin called QTeam “MacArthurian”
that made sense.
You put it beautifully, Brian.
“So many have contributed to the Victory.. so many Sacrifices.”
👇 This is one of my favorite QTeam videos, ICYMI. 5:50 min
🇦🇺 Lt. Col Ricarrdo Bosi, AU Army Special Forces, Ret.
5:25 So [Q] is real.
Whether you want to believe it or not
it doesn’t really matter, it’s moving ahead.
When they say#NCSWIC

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!