This dipshit local: WELL since you said you aren't cooking for me anymore I got A LOT of raviolis. But they taste different.
Me: PROLLY cause they got gmo shit in them so even worse than the original.
Local DS: WELL I am gonna eat them.
Me: Have fun with that cupcake.

If folks saw on a live cam wtf I have dealt with, they would freak out, HATE me some demons. lol

I had a similar thought earlier tonight. I'm with ya sister.

I plead the blood of Jesus over you, and angels all around you. I think a lot of them are pure fkn tarded from fluoride and chemicals, and of course other ways. NOT cut from the stock of men I come from. I was SHOCKED to find out these kind of fks exist based on my lineage and who raised me. NOT a pussy in the bunch. REAL men DO NOT act like that.

Amen and amen
I pray the same over you. I feel so bad you don't have you k9 companion through this. Lucky I still have mine. Praying for ya sis. We are all ready for our over due jubilee!