Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Showing child porn online is not free speech.
It's against the law.
In a matter of seconds,@administrator's last many years of hardwork could be gone and he could be in trouble too.
Why risk that?
Does reposting graphic images of children help solve the problem?
Does reposting CP make you honorable and helpful towards fighting against child trafficking?
Best thing IMO to fight it is to spread the word without the disgusting imagery.
Also, go offline. Usually sketchy people and places in the real world are connected to this mess. Investigate these people undercover then
I havent seen child porn..if I do..I will surely press the fooked button. Ive seen very scared children with intentions in their predators eyes. Thats our reality. Thats a good reminder why we are all here. Thats why Im so dedicated to this AWAKENING. We have real DEMONS walking our earth that need to be extinguished. "Child Porn" is not OKAY!