🧪 Humans have been experimented on for decades....
Journalist Eileen Welsome uncovered the secrets being hidden by the government, the military, scientists, and doctors - over decades - as part of their Manhattan Project research......

Woman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!
they also (in the 50's) gave Mothers who were pregnant and having bleeding or cramping, a drug called des. I am a daughter of Des and have been sick off and on my whole life, but praise God I am still here and managing because our Father God is so good! Thanks for this clip.

Still 1000% Patriot & loyalist to Trump(((+)))Team, grateful for their insight, sacrifices, &willingness to return our nation to the people,
And the .gov doesn’t need permission to do it

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
nazi doctors

Demons and none of it sans diabolical intent.