make sure u can beathe easily wtf whos writting this stuff 😂u just cant make this shit up anymore

make sure u can beathe easily wtf whos writting this stuff 😂u just cant make this shit up anymore

Truth and justice will prevail. Mother. Patriot. Truth Seeker.
My thoughts - they can pound sand.

hypoxia Set off a chain reaction in the body and really does a number on your kidneys as well as a host of other things. People just think it's being tired from lack of oxygen at best

I am a dedicated Trump supporter I love listening to Santa Surfing and following Q crumbs hungry like Sammy the squirrel for info. ]:P
The reason they advise 2 masks is because their plan of depopulation isn't going well people aren't dying fast enough for them.

Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!
If they can't kill us by fear of the flu then they'll try to kill us by fear AND suffocation! Sucks to be part of the flock of sheeple.

My thoughts are that it's inconceivable to me that people will agree to this. many will begin not to maybe

This feels like the twilight zone. NP in the PNW. Patriot. 💯 faith that God’s will be done. Ready to change the world! 🇺🇸
Well, hello bacterial pneumonia!

Do you know back when we had the spanish flu, that's what most people died from was the bacterial pneumonia and not the spanish flu, People also recovered a lot quicker when they were treated outside in the sunlight