#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your dreams...live the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
I agree it’s a movie that we’re#All in together and we’ll hopefully be getting paid on the backside of this seemingly never ending show! 🍿🎥🎬📽️🎞️#keepingonkeeingon#onward

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
For the very few…..less than 10 likely 1……who haven’t been getting paid from the beginning and get bonuses for how many female and male characters they can play on their fancy Starlink device they were gifted I could care less about money and getting paid under any system, only reward is saving the children and getting a real family back. Family is everything to me, which explains why I don’t fit in with the cool kids and haven’t received any loyalty from one single account in this entire movement. Sad that acting roles are more important than acting as God instructs us to act with action not the occasional feel good empty words