Not all posts are meant for Anons.
🦅🇺🇸 President Kennedy, 4-27-61
“Infiltration instead of invasion.”
[infiltration not invasion]
I can’t wait for the TRUTH to come out
but until then I understand that
only mustard seeds of it & we have to decode them.
Most of the time they are talking to each other
through Digital Soldiers.
Sending messages, warnings, verification, threats, victories, etc.
to each other using us.
OK by me.
Here’s more food for thought on Robert de Niro đźŽ
Is President & CiC Trump’s “denunciation” of him a show?
Was de Niro arrested & forced to play a part in Q’s movie?
Is de Niro working for White Hats? 🤷‍♀️🎥🍿
He has Aged RAPIDLY after he Lost his ADRENOCROME Supply!