Sat. 2 March US Tax Payers don’t fund the US government. The government is funded by US Treasury Bonds that was only paper backed by fiat US dollars. Meanwhile US Tax monies were paid to the Cabal in Washington DC, and then given to the Crown of England in London, then the Vatican Bank, where it goes out to Rothschild owned Central Banks across the Globe. When everyone is through making monies off the US Taxpayers, the monies were returned to a New York Bank that then charges the US Government interest to use it’s own monies to pay employees – thus running up the national debt.
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
On Mon. 11 March the Federal Reserve will quit giving loans to the banks, which would close any bank across the Globe not Basel 3 compliant and in the BRICS new Financial System.
https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2024/03/04/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-march-4-2024/The US gov took out a treasury bond on all citizens to the tune of $7500 or citizen when the s s n is in place. The bonds acrue int Look it up with your s s n at treasury direct.com

I'm in the UK, Legal Name Fraud. I think there was about 5 investors in my name, doubt they made much from me.