Covid-19 vaccine.
A lot of people were killed or permanently disabled by it.

And yes — childhood vaccines do give your child a higher chance
of having autism.
-Steve Kirsch

😔 We ALL tried to STOP our loved ones from taking it 🙏🏻💔

🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
"Do not take a Covid vaccine UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES."

🇺🇸👇 MJTruth
@ candlesinthenight

There are 5 of us sibs. 3 of us resisted & 2 caved for convenience (travel) and/or because their kids wouldn't visit if they didn't get jabbed. Both KNEW it was wrong & regretted it almost immediately. They got jabbed twice in '21, then refused any more.

These were my healthiest sibs; very health-conscious with good diets, few vices, lots of exercise & sunshine, etc. The other 3 of us are smokers & already had major health problems!

Take a guess which 2 are now battling multiple aggressive cancers!! 😢 Brother has 3 different types. He's had numerous surgeries & chemo, but it just returns stronger/quicker.

Sister has inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer that had already spread everywhere by the time of diagnosis. (1 of her daughters & 2 sons-in-law - in their 40s - have also recently been diagnosed with cancer!)

To add insult to injury, although they both masked up, followed all precautions, and got jabbed, they both got the 'rona more than once! Sheesh

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In response LO_ Patriot to her Publication

Prayers for your whole family! It’s hard watching and knowing what’s going on and unable to still convince people of what’s going on.