I grew up Catholic. Being deaf added another unique circumstance to the equation. There are a lot of elements that didn't make any senses to me. The constant same rituals, unable to read lips or understand what the priest is saying (I don't do sign language as I was taught to read lips and speak), the donation packets, and etc. I was questioning a lot. It even gotten to a point I told my parents in my high school age that God can be with you anywhere you go. You don't need a church to worship. The debate was so intense that I shut down and stayed away from the church, To this day, I still do. Instead, I just focus on going through the Bible (not a really good reader but I try when I can) and think about Jesus (who I see as a bridge between us and God). Q despite being a clever psyop actually got me into the importance of prayer.

Right On!
Do you have sharable link for this?


Yes he is correct. Jesus is not a religion. He is the Divine Lord of all. He did not start a religion.

Hey there! I just saw this comment and I wanted to add my 2 cents, if I may.
I appreciate your point. Man-made religion sucks and it's not even the real deal.
Because of this, I no longer "go to church". My experience got me here, where I WAS going to church but saw it was corrupted from the inside out, and discernment using the Bible. As an aside, however, I don't think I'd be as familiar with the Bible as I am had I not gone to Sunday School al my childhood. So anyway, here I am, chewing the meat and spittin' out the bones.
But "I digress"...because you really gotta look at what "religion" IS.
As a word, it has a few definitions, all similar but with slight variation.
Is religion an institution? An organization? Ritual? Doctrine? Dogma? A thing you do obsessively? Or a way of life?
The word REALLY comes down from the meaning of "a way of life".
And in that regard, yes, Jesus not only taught a "religion", but he WAS one. 😊