Dr. Michael Baden, Who Was Conveniently The Pathologist Assigned To The Jon Benet Ramsey Murder Case In 1997, Was "Hired By Mark Epstein" To Investigate His Brothers "Murder".
There Are No Coincidence's, Just Connections.
Dr. Baden Testified That Jon Benet Ramsey Was Murdered By Strangulation (Compression Of The Neck) / Asphyxiation...Just Like He Testified In The Jeffrey Epstein Case.
This Important Because The "Talent Shows" Jon Benet Ramsey Competed In Were "Pedo Connected".
Jeffrey Epstein Is "Pedo Connected".
I Say "Is" Because Jeffrey Epstein Is Alive.

Patriot. Trump Supporter. Tear is for Maddie McCann and all abused children.
In response Donnie Brooke to his Publication
and maybe Jon Benet is too.