If you think we aren't going to come under attack here you got are living in a fairy tale land. Last night on Telegram I experienced the most demonic brute force demonic and disgusting porn attack I've ever seen. 3000k replies with 90% of them beasiality from a dozen in a group attack. The demons will fight, and they will kick and scream. Be prepared, prayed up and mentally ready for battle. Be wise and vigilent, always on guard.
Beach Broadcasting is doing a hit piece on Anon,up and twisting the narrative to make it seem like people are being suspended for no reason at all. Make's me wonder why she is promoting a shill narrative.
God-loving American Patriot living abroad. All about the children. HOLD THE DAM LINE! The Best is Yet to Come!
@boooo This happened just after@ghostezra posted something from Santa Surfing on his channel. I noticed it was deleted and then this shit came on.... so be vigilant and alert for schills. Who knows you may the shill???!?
I was JolyJaz - UK Prime Minister Elect ... on Twatter before they nuked me.
It's something to do with XAnon being deleted :(
He was dropping lots of bombs today and someone didn't like it I guess