Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
Well that's a problem. It's the main reason we have the 2A. It ain't for them to take away.

Hawaii is my home, many decades and several generations. Hawaii was captured by the left from its start. Hawaii has many conservatives but they’re not allowed in government. 2020 saw a huge rise for Trump but they stole it. Hawaii wants to be free but the left must be uprooted. There are many, many hunters here, there’s a gun culture, a militia on every island, we are oppressed. This so called supreme court in Hawaii is leftist. Remember Lahaina!
'IF' God's will prevails, HI will be a
FREE Nation again, as it always should
have been...
I'm Praying for yoru Freedom. God Bless
You, keep you Strong, Healthy & Successful!

Hawaii is filled with many ethnic groups and Hawaiians are a small percent of the population. The largest groups are Filipino and Japanese, then Caucasian. There is no clear way for Hawaii to be a nation. I’ve lived here since 1950 and two generations of my family before me. Not a simple place but it is worth saving from the left’s destruction.