Remember when:
You thought there would be med beds, but then your friends and family are dying of turbo cancer and heart disease?
You thought your mortgage was going to be paid off and you wouldn't have to pay taxes anymore, but instead mortgage interest rates are up, many had to sell their house to survive the rising costs and property taxes and insurance are becoming unaffordable while hegefunds buy up all single family homes to rent them back to you?
You knew after day 3 that COVID was created in a lab, but none of the heavy hitters Tucker, Malone, Rogan told you about that until the deep state completed the lock downs and bio weapons jabs?
They stole an election and you thought it would be handled, but the thief got to do his entire term while protestors from J6 get 10yr prison sentences?
Remember when Trump said " they call them the deep state and I caught them all" but then you see them everywhere and they stole an election from him with no consequences,