You can't say "history was all a lie" and then select SOME of that lie and use it as a premise for a new narrative, and insist it's a truth.
If you know they lied about the shape of the earth, about landing on the moon, about who founded the Roman Catholic Church, about US history, about Native Americans and Norse explorers, about the Federal Reserve, the Vietnam War, the Kennedy Assassination, the vaccines, the side effects, cancer, diabetes, income taxes, global warming/climate change, Tuskegee Experiment, DUMBs, WMDs, Gilgamesh's tomb, Kincaid's Cave, Giants in America, 9/11, Waco, Tx, Sandy Hoax, Las Vegas Shooting, child trafficking, CPS/Foster Care, adrenochrome, marijuana, Antarctica, TRUMP....etc etc ad infintum...
WHY Not question what THEY SAID about WWII, Hitler, Jews, Concentration Camps, and Nazis????
What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
I already have and come to the same conclusion each time- Hitler fed his own people to ET’s for weapons like everyone else.
i disagree, but let's stay friends 😊
What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten