Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!
This may be the person who I corresponded with on VOAT in 2017-2019.
They have some serious stuff on Racine, WI that shows that Scott Walker & Paul Ryan were working with Global Societies, U of Chicago, Pritzkers, and many RINO's to use Racine as a stepping stool to control us through FoxConn tech.
Funny how Wisconsin is the bullseye dead center of North America, and North America is the bullseye dead center of the world, which means WI is the bullseye of the world. Marathon County, WI to be exact.
That's where most of my family lives. I grew up in Zion, IL on the IL/WI border. I know I'm giving up too much but I'm feeling that I should know this to share it with everyone. There are too many coincidences to my area not to share.

Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!
Kyle Rittenhouse apparently grew up in Antioch, IL. Went to the same High School as my sisters'. His dad lived in Zion, IL..no one knew him.
He started a revolution in Kenosha, WI that's just the town south of Racine, WI
I'm calling bullshit. I would have called it earlier but I really don't have a platform to stand on except here.
There is a real psyop going on in ChiWaukee....I've been watching it since 2016. Obama lost his hand off to Hillary and now we have the DNC Convention in Chicago and the RNC Convention in Milwaukee.
Civil War much?

Wow, interesting stuff, thanks.
I believe, from my own experience, that "They" know everything about us, so it's good for us to know as much as possible about them.
Anyway, I had to stifle a bitter laugh, because I thought "Psyops, the whole world is a psyops."
And supposedly the bad guys aren't the only ones who do it, for psyops is also a tool of the good guys.

Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!
You made me laugh on that too! When we figure out how stupid we were, how smart we are now, and how uncomfortable they feel...
I get a little choke on my red wine on a Saturday night!😍

Saturday night wine sounds like a good idea!
Please continue on your psy ops.