DS fag triple, enemy from within, ancient tunnels. etc. STOLEN valor.

I know this is unrelated to your post here but I have always related to some of your more personal posts involving certain shitheads if I may be so bold. I have hope for all but my current relationship if I can even call it that has I hope finally reached it's end point. I'll be real I was clocked for the first time in my life to ight and even though It didn't know me fully out it did for a second or two and I came too quick. That is my final line. I can protect myself. Bit as a follower of Christ when someone tries to harm me I try to turn a cheek. I turned all cheeks I have tonight and I am done. If any male in my family knew whe he did he would be strung and done. I am not a weak woman or one that needs a companion weak or not. But tonight was it for me. There have been many other times of similar but not as detrimental instances but I am so done. H eis moving out I will accept nothing else. I hope my jaw returns to its natural place. I'm embarrassed to even share but

...I thought you might relate. I feel bad I haven't been able to give the true boot sooner but it isn't because I have not tried. I think his error was so bad this time he knows he cannot ignore. I told him he has till April to get his affairs in order and get a ride out.

😥They need to keep their mouths and hands to themselves. REAL men do not carry on in such ways.

Exactly that's what I said. He just don't like to hear atruth. Also he is not a God fearing man he is a boy and I have wanted him to go for some time. Let's hope he gets it now.

I am in agreement in Jesus name. Amen God bless real men, these predator types are not of their ilk.

Thank you. Honestly I have been asking God for a while for a way out. I hope this is it. And also I am right pissed man I have had jaw work in the past and I hope he didn't fuck it all up. But I. Ant touch my molars wtf. I will head your advice.

😢Praying for complete healing in Jesus name. Miraculous healing in Jesus name sister,

Thank you and I pray he realizes he needs to go too. No more excuses. I am done done.
Amen. My sis and I were talking about that very type of thing today.

I am so ready for alone time and to be free of this. He must in now after this last there so no method of recourse. And if he didnt know he does know because this no forgiveness for that in my view. I can't even properly close my jaw wtf

Go to the doctor sister so they can reset it. I am so upset for you.