HELP me out please. Have I missed something? or forgot??
Is Eagle Pass Texas the equal to Ellis Island?
Were all those refugees signed up and paid to arrive? WW1 and WW2
Part of their Grand Plan? Preparing for the Nazi Drop? Paperclip? Getting their “MELTING POT” ready?
Everything else was PREPLANNED, we Americans blindsided to real purpose of shipping that many people, overseas? Long voyage, bad conditions all in search of work and a better life the story goes. Some “holocaust” survivors?
Culling the herd?
Massive buildings erected. History glorifies the moment so now I wonder.
“ After 1924, Ellis Island was used primarily as a detention center for migrants. During both World War I and World War II, its facilities were also used by the US military to detain prisoners of war. ” Wikipedia
That is exactly what I am hoping is happening!