Can anyone tell me, why there is a 4 on my notifications that never goes away? Does it mean, there are 4 people that are watching what I"M saying and doing in this site?

On Q the first night ,, JFKjr is very much alive ,, but you all here know that ,,, Committed to a world WITHOUT THE CABAL ,,,
I am wondering too , the notification number never seems to CLEAR

mother, Grandmother, wife. Like to upcycle. Love animals, stars and know we are not alone in the universe. Believe in Trump, JFK JR.
Be nice to have someone who knows, give us an answer to our questions.

mother, Grandmother, wife. Like to upcycle. Love animals, stars and know we are not alone in the universe. Believe in Trump, JFK JR.
Hi, I reached someone to tell us, how to clear the notifications # off our sites. He said just to hit the delete button on the top of the notification list. It worked. It also cleared out all notifications, so if you want to keep any of them, you should probably bookmark them. Good luck, have a great week.