What if it is reverse? Now I am looking at it, needs to be researched more,, hmm
Very clever, but, meaning no disrespect,
who says?
That is, where are the references?
Is there any correlating data to support the chart?
Indeed, some say all beings are earthlings.
Others say we all came from another place.
And some say there were extra terrestrials that came here.
Yet again, the Biblical explanation for differences in "humans" is that the fallen angels mated with human women.
We may need a couple of charts.
Kek, kek, kek.
Talk about something to further divide us!
Like, Hello, what blood type are you?
Yikes, you're O, stay away from me!!!!

Ha Ha, again facts, why is it that the plasma out of the blood is used for pills to be swallowed, yikes u must be if you I would reply back, lol