Q DROP#122
What does money buy? (infiltrators)
How do you prevent tampering? (I SPY- or the ALL SEEING EYE).
Why are most forms of media left-wing? (bc they think with their LEFT brains)
Why is H-wood left-wing? (note the H- and not HOLLY - wake up folks).
Why is the narrative so important? (to keep you from the truth)
Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof? (you mean so called truthers - no proof- again and agin - NO PROOF) .
No proof. (right I said it twice)
Who is HRC’s mentor? (HRC does not mean Hilary)
What party was he affiliated with? (HE?- See - think!!)
Proof. (you all want proof without doing the work and even if you had the proof you still would be standing in the LEFT WING of the brain).