Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
It is good to know Hunter is "under control".... otherwise my blood temp would register at 150!!
People in my sphere who are not fully aware of white-hat activity, are thoroughly confused at how I can say things like, "Some things are allowed for optics only... as a means to more slowly 'wake people up' to realize all the corruption that has occurred without our awareness!
Some are starting to connect the bigger dots, but other ancillary points of understanding are still seen with a jaundice eye!
Maybe it's is just me... but it is hard to not become weary with how long things are taking to get to get to critical mass awareness. I really want this MOVIE to be over, and the credits are rolling.
Hang in there everyone! SOON...