Changing my Monday mindset. Since it is what it is for now. Looking forward to making breakfast, BY myself. A big ol pot of coffee. And working. Keeps me occupied for now. : ) Please pray for PEACE in my morning. Love ya'll.
Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
Hope your Monday is fabulous! God Bless!
Ty!!! You also!!! Going from one set of pjs to the next. lol NOT a bad gig, working in pjs.
Callin it silk pj Monday, cause going from ONE pair I wake up in to another pair for my break time and the rest of the day. : ) Love comfy clothes. I mean I think it is important.
Helicopter repairman vehemently fighting 3 letter agency corruption. If you work for Puerto Rico Trust 62 or 2, you are a fraud
Prayers always gunslinger.
Peace is rarely valued enough by people these days , and worse, time is not valued over money.
Ty!!!! Great things for ALL of us otw. I know that. BIG TIME> Peace is a beautiful thing. Ironically never knew how much I loved living alone until I didn't.
This one leaves early, THEN I got THREE hours before work well close, my coffee time. Got some Bozemans bacon, some fresh bread, hoop cheese and eggs. I am gonna start it off right. : )