My Twitter account was suspended. I don't understand English. I can speak Japanese only. BUt I want to know The world. I enjoy outsider✨💖✨
I don't believe it completely because the TV information is exaggerated.
It was a wide range of large earthquakes.
All of the earthquake damage has not yet been revealed, but it is no wonder that considerable damage occurs.
At night, it will be more difficult to grasp the damage.
Anon up's kind prayer warriors.
Please send the prayer light to Japan.
Please pray that no more damage will occur.
It is an earthquake in a cold region. There will be many areas where infrastructure has been stopped. I hope the victims can spend the night warmly calm.
石川県能登で立て続けに地震、最大震度7…建物が倒壊し道路ひび割れ : 読売新聞
【読売新聞】 1日午後4時10分頃、石川県能登地方を震源とする地震があり、同県志賀町で震度7を観測した。気象庁によると、震源はごく浅く、地震の規模を示すマグニチュード(M)は7・6と推定される。同県七尾市、輪島市、珠洲市、穴水町では up for the people of Japan.
My Twitter account was suspended. I don't understand English. I can speak Japanese only. BUt I want to know The world. I enjoy outsider✨💖✨