Today is 12-31-23 (123123) bringing us step Higher and deeper into our deepest Soul calling as of yet.
This powerful portal day of amazing new beginnings and completions is allowing us the opportunity to start fresh and New. Forget where you were, what you’ve done, what you haven’t done, release any sense of inadequacy, incompleteness, inferiority and separation still held inside and just BE FULLY IN THIS NOW.
Absolutely nothing matter but this NOW.
Absolutely everything is created from this NOW. The “Past” and “future” all exist within the sacredness of this NOW. Everything dissolved as you continue to connect to this NOW. All is ONE, FULL and WHOLE within this NOW. Nothing will ever exist outside of this NOW and never will.
Allow yourself to just BREATHE, Just BE and just shine BRIGHT and BOLD.
It’s who you are and who you will always BE.
🙏🏼 ✨
Samantha Light Coach ✨✨