🍿UNTIL QTeam rolls the credits on their movie
or who is a double or triple agent 😉
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
When you’re doing Intelligence work
there’s a lot of stuff that may not look right to people.
You think this guy’s a bad guy, this guy’s a bad guy
but in reality, to play the part,
you gotta LOOK like a real bad guy
& so you have a lot of people
that may not be the bad guy you thought they were.
Conversely, a lot of people you think are the good guys
& they’re played up as being the good guy
aren’t the good guy either.
So you gotta dig a little deeper
links & chains.
In a captured operation you grab a group of people
a chain of people
& you only know the person above & below you.
In this sequence of contacts
somebody further up the chain can be grabbed
or down the chain
& put into somebody else’s thing 💥
#AdmiralRogers ← Hero who worked for a Traitor 😎🇺🇸
#Vivek 🤔

PhD -Aberdeen, UK 2012, Early Modern Scottish/British History; Research Historian; Mom of Lauren & Patrick, Wife of Ted; ULTRA MAGA Patriot
I KNOW this sounds weird, but I have always wondered about Adam Schiff... isn't that strange?
Why would I suspect HIM of playing a part in this movie as a double or even triple agent?
What makes me feel this about that particular guy? I can't explain it...
Hope you had a GREAT Christmas frens!

IF Adam Schiff is the child r*pist we think he is
then he is long gone.
But if this is Adam Schiff 2.0
then he'd be in a perfect position to be a
The key with Schiff
& why he's NEVER been prosecuted
for his ENDLESS crimes is he's a bloodline.
🇺🇸📸 WarNuse @ WarNuse
"Every Single Original Federal Reserve
Board Member
was an associate of Nathan Mayer Rothschild..
Jacob Schiff,
Mortimer Schiff
& John Schiff" were 3 of them.
Other names include Lehman, JPMorgan,
Warburg, Loeb + a lot of banks 💥
Juan O Savin said sometimes an agent
flips on the team that thinks it's working for them.
So you THINK you have a Good guy
pretending to be a Bad guy
reporting back to the Good guys
but who's actually really a Bad guy ‼️🤯🙃

That would be AMAZING, Craig.
If all these people or "things"
because given their crimes
they're not Human with a Divine Soul —
given their crimes
it will be a great satisfaction
to see them all hang or shot or whatever.
I won't personally watch the executions,
but to KNOW they were carried out is enough.
And given that they don't have a Divine Soul
there can be no coming back for these monsters
in ANY form, I sincerely pray 👊💥🇺🇸🪖🦅
Correct? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💥

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet